Kellie Easther

Kellie Easther

Business Operations Manager

Kellie oversees and manages day-to-day operations, driving an innovative, lean culture to achieve continual process improvements.

Kellie is responsible for day-to-day management of the ADEC Kedge operations team. With a wealth of experience from finance roles within the aviation sector, she is committed to fostering an innovative and efficient culture for ongoing process enhancements. Kellie ensures adherence to organizational regulations and ISO certifications while overseeing commercial and contractual compliance in projects, monitoring performance, and offering leadership and guidance to project teams.

Critical Guidance When You Need It

The ADEC Kedge team has a broad range of expertise and is always ready to respond to our customers’ needs. We have a worldwide network of colleagues and correspondents and can get the right people and resources to you whenever they are needed. Please call at any time and one of our friendly expert staff will be happy to assist.